Yoga is a great way to stretch and strengthen your bodyβ€” but it is so much more than that. This ancient practice purifies the body, balances physical, mental and energetic fields, and awakens consciousness through the movement of the body. The poses, or asanas, were designed to create shapes of cosmic geometry that heal the body.

Yoga is considered a sister science to both Ayurveda (the ancient medical system focused on the physical world and physical body) and Vedic Astrology (the science focused on the implications of karma and understanding higher consciousness). While Ayurveda is focused on the body and Vedic Astrology is focused on karmic consciousness, Yoga ties them together to unify the body mind and heart.

Beyond the spiritual side of yoga, there are countless studies showing that yoga is the most effective modality to treat low back pain, the most common ailment in our current day and age. It can also help reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, prevent dementia and a whole lot more. While ancient wisdom understood the power of yoga for quite some time, we are just now starting to understand the science of how and why it does so. The unique combination of stretch, strength, cardio and breath-work will increase blood flow to tissues that need healing and activates the parasympathetic nervous system to reduce stress.

Dr. Wood’s philosophy as a yoga teacher is focused on healing the body, soul and mind. Like her medical practice, she always strives to meet students where they are at and tailors each practice to her student’s needs. Whether that means focusing on physical fitness, healing the body or guiding students to understand themselves better, she makes every flow and practice completely individualized.

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