Understanding Chakras Through a Scientific Lens

As first described in ancient Hindu texts, chakras are metaphysical subtle energy centers in our bodies that are thought to transform, manage, and allow our life force (or prana) to flow in our bodies. Because they are metaphysical (more than physical), we cannot touch or see them with our physical senses. To help you understand this concept, think of our thoughts. We don’t know where they begin or how they arise (we know that they involve neurons firing but we do not know what initiates that)… we cannot cut open the brain and find a ‘thought’… but we experience them and we can see evidence of them on functional MRIs. However, even with this advance imaging technique, we are not literally imaging thoughts. Instead we are seeing pictures of increased or decreased blood flow to certain parts of the brain that we translate as nerves firing because we know that activated neurons require more oxygen and thus more blood flow.

Although chakras cannot be physically seen or touched in the body, they do reside in physical locations in our subtle or etheric bodies. They are thought to interact with our physical bodies and each chakra is correlated to a set of body parts. For example, the root (Muladhara) chakra is located in the the sacrum and is associated with the physical coccygeal plexus (the collection of nerves that originate from S4, S5, and Co1 that forms the anococcygeal nerve, which supplies sensory innervation to our coccygeal region). In addition to physical correlations, each chakra also interacts with psychological and spiritual parts of ourselves— influencing well-being and consciousness.


Everything in the world is made up of energy. Some of that energy we can see and detect with our eyes as we light a match and turn chemical energy into light and thermal energy. More delicate energies, like thoughts, can be detected with EEGs (electroencephalograms), mapped out as different wavelengths our brains emit with changing states of consciousness. Chakras are said to manage and interact with causal energy (primal energy we cannot detect yet), that then influences both subtle (the initiation of physical energy) and physical energy (what we can detect in the physical world). We cannot measure causal and subtle energy like we can physical energy. This is where the line starts to get demarcated when we try to explain and understand chakras through a scientific lens. We cannot physically detect these subtle energies with machines, but we are starting to see evidence of them at work. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine looked at outcomes for patients who were admitted to the CCU (coronary care unit) after they were prayed for. This study revealed that those who were being prayed for (and it was double-blinded, meaning that the patients were unaware they were being prayed for) experienced statistically significant less adverse events. This was the first of many studies to reveal similar outcomes. So we might not be able to map out these subtle energies (yet—technology is developing rapidly), but we can see evidence of their impact on our physical lives.

Our Developing Understanding of Physics

Beyond that, our understanding of quantum physics is expanding rapidly to help us understand these metaphysical concepts as well.

String theory unifies quantum mechanics and general relativity by postulating that rather than elemental particles, the smallest building blocks of the universe are vibrating strings of energy. For the math to be able to support this theory, M-theory states that there must be 11 dimensions rather than our understood 3 dimensions plus time. These 11 dimensions are wrapped and warped up into our 3-dimensional world, which is why we can’t detect them (for now). Bringing this back to chakras and subtle energies— it is likely these energies are operating in another dimension, but still impacting us in the 3-dimensional world we experience through our senses. Additionally, quantum entanglement states that two subatomic particles can be connected or linked, even if they are separated by billions of light-years of space. This means that a change in one will induce a change in another. This scientific phenomena is thought to explain many metaphysical phenomena like having premonitions in dreams or why and how the planetary energies induce influence on us.

A Historical Take

More evidence for this idea of subtle energies comes to us through history. It was not just one culture that described this life force energy. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it is described as chi and in Japan it is ki. In East India it is described as prana, where our understanding of chakras comes from. Ancient West African cultures describes it as olodumare and Hawaiian kahuna healers describes it as mana. Before we had travel, internet and cross-cultural communication, these different cultures from around the world were studying and describing the same phenomena.

Taking it back to ancient Hindu texts, our kundalini energy is the divine natural energy that starts at the bottom of our spine in our coccyx and travels upwards, passing and getting energized through our 7 primary chakras. In Ayurvedic medicine, the koshas are described, which can help us understand the different aspects of our physical and subtle bodies. The 5 koshas are different sheaths or layers that make up our body— from the annamaya kosha that is described as our actual physical body, all the way up to the anandamaya kosha, called the bliss body. The chakras reside in the pranamaya kosha (or life force sheath). These 5 different sheaths collectively make up our physical, mental and spiritual dimensions of life and all interact with each other. So while we cannot find the chakras in our physical sheath like how we can find our heart and lungs, they all work together to form our collective being.

Mind-Body Medicine

We’ve all heard of the ‘mind over matter’ concept. It is generally well accepted that your outlook and thoughts influence your ability to get the job or make things happen in your life. Now, we are starting to see more evidence of this phenomena with mind-body medicine as top universities like Harvard and John’s Hopkins are studying these and training our doctors in the specialty of integrative medicine. A study revealed evidence that you can control your heart rate and rhythm with the mind (beneficial for heart conditions and preventing heart attacks). Another study revealed that diabetic patients can obtain better glucose control with mind-body interventions as well. The New England Journal of Medicine, a well respected journal in the medical community, wrote an article about the emerging evidence surrounding how these techniques can induce physiological and genomic changes leading to suppression of inflammation and increased telomerase expression— both of which can slow down aging and cancer.

Now, these studies do not specifically credit this phenomena to the work of the chakras— but if we understand the chakra system through the ancient Hindu texts, it is hard to not see the parallel. While one culture might call these changes ‘mind-body medicine,’ another will describe the same phenomena using different terminology— both producing the same result. At the very least, understanding the chakra system can help direct and empower these mind-body techniques by giving us a deeper understanding of both our physical, mental and spiritual selves.

A Primer on the 7 Chakras

While there are seven primary, or major, chakras, it is thought that we actually have over 100 other minor or micro chakras. However, these support the work of the major chakras, so we can begin our understanding by just looking at the seven primary ones to start.

The Muladhara (Root) Chakra - This chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the color red and the earth element. It rules the anus, gonads and adrenals and represents instinct, security, survival and the cohesive power of matter. When it is balanced we feel secure, confident and connected to the world around us. When out of balance we may feel disconnected or feel worried about our basic needs like money and food.

The Svadhishthana (Sacral) Chakra - This chakra is located in the pelvis. It is associated with the color orange and the water element. It rules the genitals and reproductive organs and represents creativity, pleasure, sexuality and emotions. When it is balanced we feel creative, enjoy life and feel energetic. When out of balance we may experience psychological sexual dysfunction or low self esteem.

The Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra - This chakra is located just above the naval. It is associated with the color yellow and the fire element. It rules the epigastric plexus, pancreas and digestive system and represents power, confidence and life force. When it is balanced we feel confident, driven and have the ability to fulfill our goals. When out of balance we may experience a lack of willpower, be overly competitive or have a negative self image.

The Anahata (Heart) Chakra - This chakra is located in the chest. It is associated with the color green and the air element. It rules the heart and lungs and represents compassion, love and gratitude. When it is balanced we have the ability to give and receive love easily. When out of balance we may feel lonely, jealous or have trouble with relationships.

The Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra - This chakra is located in the throat. It is associated with the color blue and the sound element. It rules the thyroid and represents communication, expression, growth and listening. When it is balanced we can communicate and listen to others and feel confident in our speech. When out of balance we may have difficulty expressing out thoughts.

The Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra - This chakra is located between the eyebrows. It is associated with the color indigo and the light element. It rules the pituitary gland and endocrine system and represents consciousness, wisdom and self-awareness. When it is balanced we feel open to learning and understanding ourselves. When out of balance we may have a lack of imagination or focus, feel close-minded or have an inability to see the bigger picture.

The Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra - This chakra is located on the top of the head. It is associated with the color purple and white and the consciousness element. It rules the pineal gland and represents higher consciousness, the universe and intuition. When it is balanced we feel inner peace, connection to the universe, and divinely guided. When out of balance we may feel disconnected to ourselves and others or might experience depression or worry.

Balancing Your Chakras

Chakras can be blocked, but a better term is out of balance. They can be overactive, causing negative traits like a hyper-competitive nature— or they can be under-active leading to states like low self-esteem or depressive symptoms. Any type of stress (physical, chemical or psychological) can cause a chakra to get out of balanced. A physical stressor can be an injury or just simply not getting enough quality sleep. Chemical stressors come from processed foods, eating foods that aren’t right for your body, or ingesting other toxins. Psychological stressors are more obvious— when we have a deadline or just have a lot going and not taking enough time to process.

Eating good foods, getting quality sleep, practicing self care and incorporating a yoga and meditation practice into your daily routine can all support comprehensive chakra balancing. However, there are specific yoga poses, meditation practices and other things you can do to balance each chakra. Simple ways to balance each chakra is to wear or eat foods of the color each one is associated with. You can also use crystals of those same colors and keep them around you or use them in meditation. Below you will find a few nore jumping off points specific for each chakra, but this certainly is not a comprehensive list.

The Muladhara (Root) Chakra - Walk barefoot in nature. Eat root vegetables. Do a grounding meditation practice. Practice mountain pose.

The Svadhishthana (Sacral) Chakra - Get a massage. Tap into your sensual and sexual nature. Take a bath or swim in rivers, oceans or lakes.

The Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra - Bath in sunlight. Eat spicy foods. Practice warrior yoga poses.

The Anahata (Heart) Chakra - Practice a love and kindness meditation. Journal about what you are grateful for and what you love.

The Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra - Sing. Practice using affirmations before communicating with others. Journal.

The Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra - Pay attention to your dreams and start a dream journal. Meditate. Tap into the lunar cycles.

The Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra - Meditate. Practice inversion yoga poses.

Want to learn more?

If you want to learn more about chakras through yoga, meditation or tarot, find out how you can work with me in a 1:1 or group setting here.


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